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Bringing Ideas to Life

Educator Insights

To prepare the students of today for the jobs of tomorrow, it is essential that educators teach them how to develop the mindset of an entrepreneur—someone who through ingenuity and perseverance creates solutions to complex problems.

Below are three ways in which educators can help their students bring their ideas to life and build the confidence to adapt and overcome any challenge they face.

Embrace Hands-On Learning

According to research published in the International Journal of Engineering Education, students who partake in hands-on activities are more likely to grasp complex concepts than those who learn in more traditional ways. Instead of lecturing, see if a portion of your lesson can be taught through an experiment or activity. The more children are able to interact with a learning concept, the more interest and engagement they are likely to show.   

Rethink Your Definition of a Makerspace

While the term “makerspace” often conjures images of 3D printers, laser cutters and high-tech equipment, sometimes being purposely low-tech has the ability to inspire. In fact, many National Inventors Hall of Fame® Inductees arrived at their world-changing idea by purposely disconnecting from technology. If your school’s makerspace does not have the newest or most advanced equipment, fear not! Use what you do own and mix in non-traditional tools and materials throughout the creation process to produce imaginative results. 

Encourage Student-Led Learning

Empower students by allowing them to practice their leadership skills. By giving them the opportunity to lead a classroom lesson or organize a project, you can encourage them to take ownership and pride in their work. This type of confidence building is essential to transforming the next generation of entrepreneurs and will serve students well as they grow and assume increasing levels of leadership and responsibility.

Download Your Free White Paper!

For more strategies educators can use to grow students into adaptable innovators of the future, download our free white paper: How to Prepare the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs.

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