National Inventors Hall of Fame Inductee List
From James Abercrombie to Frank Zybach, find each National Inventors Hall of Fame Inductee’s detailed biography. Our Inductees are listed alphabetically by last name next to their invention that changed the world.
- James Abercrombie, Blowout Preventer (BOP)
- Edward Goodrich Acheson, Carborundum
- Stewart Adams, Ibuprofen
- Leonard Adleman, RSA Cryptography
- John R. Adler Jr., CyberKnife®
- Robert Adler, Television Remote Control
- Herman A. Affel, Coaxial Cable
- Howard Aiken, Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (Mark I)
- Jonathan D. Albert, Electronic Ink
- George Edward Alcorn, X-Ray Spectrometer
- Samuel Alderson, Crash Test Dummy
- Ernst F. W. Alexanderson, High-Frequency Alternator
- Andrew Alford, Localizer Antenna System
- James Allison, Immune Checkpoint Blockade Therapy
- Samuel Leeds Allen, Flexible Flyer Sled
- Luis Walter Alvarez, Radio Distance and Direction Indicator
- Iver Anderson, Lead-Free Solder
- Mary Anderson, Windshield Wiper
- R. Rox Anderson, Laser Dermatology
- J. Roger P. Angel, Lightweight Mirrors for Astronomical Telescopes
- George Antheil, Frequency Hopping Communication System
- Thomas J. Armat, Vitascope
- Edwin Howard Armstrong, FM Radio
- Don Arney, Bambi Bucket® for Aerial Firefighting
- Frances Arnold, Directed Evolution of Enzymes
- Chieko Asakawa, Home Page Reader
- Arthur Ashkin, Optical Trapping
- Martin (John) M. Atalla, MOSFET
- Alpheus Babcock, Cast-Iron Piano Frame
- George H. Babcock, Improvement in Steam Generators
- Karl Bacon, Tubular Steel Track Roller Coaster
- Roger Bacon, High-Performance Carbon Fibers
- Leo Hendrik Baekeland, Bakelite
- John Baer, Thiazide Diuretics (Chlorothiazide)
- Ralph H. Baer, Video Games
- Rodney D. Bagley, Ceramic Substrate in Catalytic Converters
- Shankar Balasubramanian, Sequencing-by-Synthesis (SBS)
- Matthias Baldwin, Locomotive Engine
- Bantval Jayant Baliga, Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
- Robert Banks, High-Density Polyethylene and Polypropylene Plastics
- Frederick Banting, Isolated, Purified Insulin
- Paul Baran, Digital Packet Switching
- John Bardeen, Transistor
- Rodolphe Barrangou, CRISPR-enhanced Food Products
- C. Donald Bateman, Ground Proximity Warning System
- Patricia Bath, Laserphaco Cataract Surgery
- Andrew J. Beard, Jenny Coupler for Railroad Cars
- Arnold O. Beckman, pH Meter
- Semi Joseph Begun, Magnetic Recording
- Alexander Graham Bell, Improvement in Telegraphy
- Ruth Benerito, Wrinkle-Free Cotton
- Willard H. Bennett, Radio Frequency Mass Spectrometer
- Carl Benz, Modern Automobile
- Evelyn Berezin, Computer Systems for Business Use
- Emile Berliner, Gramophone / Microphone
- Carolyn Bertozzi, Bioorthogonal Chemistry
- Henry Bessemer, Bessemer Process
- Charles Best, Isolated, Purified Insulin
- Eric Betzig, Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM)
- Karl H. Beyer Jr., Thiazide Diuretics (Chlorothiazide)
- Erastus B. Bigelow, Power Loom
- Edwin Binney, Manufacturing Lamp Black
- Gerd Karl Binnig, Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Forrest M. Bird, Medical Respirator
- John Birden, Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG)
- Clarence Birdseye, Frozen Foods
- Laszlo Josef Biro, Ballpoint Pen
- Donald L. Bitzer, Plasma Display
- Harold Stephen Black, Negative Feedback Amplifier
- S. Duncan Black, Portable Hand-Held Electric Drill
- Eli Whitney Blake, Machine for Crushing Stone
- Tom Blake, Surfboard Design
- Helen Blanchard, Zig-Zag Sewing Machine
- Thomas Blanchard, Pattern Lathe
- Sylvia Blankenship, 1-MCP for Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Freshness
- Katharine Burr Blodgett, Langmuir-Blodgett Films
- Samuel E. Blum, Excimer Laser Surgery
- Baruch S. Blumberg, Vaccine for Hepatitis B
- James Bogardus, Iron Buildings
- Nils I. Bohlin, Safety Belt
- Joseph-Armand Bombardier, Snowmobile
- Dana Bookbinder, Bend-Insensitive Optical Fiber
- Gail Borden, Jr., Process for Condensing Milk
- Carl Bosch, Process of Producing Ammonia
- Amar Bose, Feedback Control
- Robert W. Bower, Self-Aligned Gate MOSFET
- William Bowerman, Modern Athletic Shoe
- Seth Boyden, Process for Making Malleable Iron
- Herbert W. Boyer, Genetic Engineering
- Otis Boykin, Electronic Resistors
- Willard S. Boyle, Charge-Coupled Device
- Milton Bradley, Game Board
- Jacques E. Brandenberger, Cellophane
- Per-Ingvar Brånemark, Modern Dental Implant
- Charles F. Brannock, Foot-Measuring Device
- Walter H. Brattain, Transistor
- Yvonne Brill, Electrothermal Hydrazine Resistojet
- Angela Hartley Brodie, Aromatase Inhibitors
- Garrett W. Brown, Steadicam® Camera Stabilizer
- Rachel Fuller Brown, Nystatin (Antifungal / Antibiotic)
- John Moses Browning, Breech-Loading Firearm
- Charles F. Brush, Arc Lamp for Street Lighting
- Robert Bryant, LaRC-SI (Langley Research Center-Soluble Imide)
- Edward W. Bullard, Hard Hat
- Francis P. Bundy, Diamond Synthesis
- Luther Burbank, Peach and Other Fruit
- Joseph H. Burckhalter, Isothiocyanate Compounds for Antigen Identification
- John Francis Burke, Regenerated Skin
- William Seward Burroughs, Calculator
- William Meriam Burton, Catalytic Cracking
- Vannevar Bush, Differential Analyzer
- Edward A. Calahan, Stock Ticker
- Harry Cameron, Blowout Preventer (BOP)
- Donald L. Campbell, Fluid Catalytic Cracking
- George Ashley Campbell, Electric Wave Filter
- Marvin Camras, Magnetic Recording
- Chester F. Carlson, Xerographic Printing
- Wallace Hume Carothers, Synthetic Rubber
- Willis Haviland Carrier, Air Conditioner
- George R. Carruthers, Far Ultraviolet Electrographic Camera
- Marvin Caruthers, Chemical Synthesis of DNA
- George Washington Carver, Peanut Products
- Frank J. Cepollina, Satellite Servicing Techniques
- Vinton G. Cerf, Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
- Daryl Chapin, Silicon Solar Cell
- Emmett W. Chappelle, Bioluminescence Techniques
- John Charnley, Acetabular Sockets
- Emmanuelle Charpentier, CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing
- Mary-Dell Chilton, Transgenic Plant
- Alfred Y. Cho, Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE)
- Edith Clarke, Graphical Calculator
- Georges Claude, Neon Tubing
- Josephine Garis Cochran, Dishwasher
- Stanley N. Cohen, Genetic Engineering
- James Collip, Isolated, Purified Insulin
- Samuel Colt, Revolver with Interchangeable Parts
- Frank B. Colton, Oral Contraceptives
- Barrett O. Comiskey, Electronic Ink
- Lloyd H. Conover, Tetracycline
- Lynn Conway, Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)
- William D. Coolidge, X-Ray
- Peter Cooper, Steam Boiler Fire-Box
- Rory Cooper, Wheelchair Technology
- Harry W. Coover, Superglue
- George Henry Corliss, Improvements in the Steam Engine
- Martha Coston, Signal Flares used by Ships
- Frederick G. Cottrell, Electrostatic Precipitator
- Wallace Coulter, Coulter Principle
- Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Diving Equipment
- Joshua Lionel Cowen, Toy Train
- Eckley B. Coxe, Traveling-Grate Furnace
- Seymour Cray, Supercomputer
- Marian Croak, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) Technology
- George Crompton, Loom
- David Crosthwait, Heating and Ventilation System Design
- Glenn Hammond Curtiss, Hydroaeroplane
- David Wayne Cushman, Captopril
- Gottlieb Daimler, Design of Automobile and Motorcycle Engines
- Raymond V. Damadian, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Raffaello D'Andrea, Mobile Robotic Material Handling for Order Fulfillment
- John G. Daugman, Iris Recognition Algorithm
- Donald Watts Davies, Digital Packet Switching
- Mark Dean, Peripherals
- Alonzo G. Decker, Portable Hand-Held Electric Drill
- John Deere, Improvement in Plows
- Lee de Forest, Audion Amplifier
- George de Mestral, VELCRO® Fasteners
- Robert H. Dennard, Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM)
- George Devol, Industrial Robot
- Albert B. Dick, Duplicating Machine
- Earle Dickson, BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages
- Rudolf Diesel, Internal-Combustion Engine
- Whitfield Diffie, Public-Key Cryptography
- Richard DiMarchi, Insulin LisPro (Humalog®)
- Walt Disney, Multiplane Camera
- Carl Djerassi, Oral Contraceptives
- Ray Dolby, Dolby Noise Reduction
- Marion Donovan, Waterproof Diaper Cover
- Jennifer Doudna, CRISPR-Cas9 Gene Editing
- Herbert Henry Dow, Bromine Extraction
- Charles Stark Draper, Stabilizing Gyroscope
- Mildred Dresselhaus, Superlattice Structures for Thermoelectric Devices
- Charles Richard Drew, Blood Plasma Preservation
- Richard Gurley Drew, Adhesive Tape
- Philip Drinker, Respiration Apparatus
- John Boyd Dunlop, Pneumatic Tire for Cycles
- Graham J. Durant, Tagamet - Cimetidine
- Benjamin Durfee, Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (Mark I)
- James Buchanan Eads, American Infrastructure and Defense
- George Eastman, Dry Plate Photography System
- Roger Easton, TIMATION Satellite Navigation System
- J. Presper Eckert, ENIAC
- Harold E. Edgerton, Stroboscope
- Thomas Alva Edison, Electric Lamp
- Alfred Einhorn, Novocain
- Willem Einthoven, Electrocardiograph
- Gertrude Belle Elion, Anti-Leukemia Drugs
- Carleton van Staal Ellis, Margarine
- John Colin Emmett, Tagamet - Cimetidine
- Akira Endo, Mevastatin
- Douglas Engelbart, Computer Mouse
- John Ericsson, Screw Propeller
- Lloyd Espenschied, Coaxial Cable
- Oliver Evans, High-Pressure Steam Engine
- Ole Evinrude, Outboard Motor
- Maxime Faget, Space Capsule Design
- Federico Faggin, Microprocessor
- Moses G. Farmer, Electric Fire Alarm System
- Philo Taylor Farnsworth, Television System
- James L. Fergason, Liquid Crystal Display
- Enrico Fermi, Nuclear Fission
- Reginald A. Fessenden, AM Radio
- Harvey Firestone, Pneumatic Rubber Tires
- John Fitch, Propelling Boats with Steam
- Edith Flanigen, Molecular Sieves
- Leonard Flom, Iris Recognition System
- Thomas J. Fogarty, Embolectomy Catheter
- M. Judah Folkman, Angiogenesis Inhibition
- Henry Ford, Transmission Mechanism
- Jay W. Forrester, Random Access Memory
- Eric R. Fossum, CMOS Active Pixel Image Sensor Camera-on-a-Chip
- John E. Franz, Glyphosate Herbicide
- Alfred H. Free, Glucose Detection for Diabetes
- Helen M. Free, Glucose Detection for Diabetes
- Ross Freeman, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
- Emil J Freireich, Continuous-Flow Blood Separator
- Harold Froehlich, Alvin Deep-Sea Submersible
- Dov Frohman-Bentchkowsky, Electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory Array
- Arthur L. Fry, Post-it® Notes
- James Fujimoto, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
- Calvin Fuller, Silicon Solar Cell
- Robert Fulton, Steamboat
- Dennis Gabor, Electron Holography
- Ashok Gadgil, Water Disinfecting Device
- Emile Gagnan, Diving Equipment
- Robert Gallo, HIV Virus Isolation and Diagnosis
- Haren Gandhi, Automotive Exhaust Catalysts
- Charon Robin Ganellin, Tagamet - Cimetidine
- Edmund Germer, Fluorescent Lamp
- Ivan Getting, Global Positioning System
- John Gibbon, Heart-Lung Machine
- King Camp Gillette, Safety Razor
- Charles P. Ginsburg, Video Tape Recording
- Joseph F. Glidden, Barbed Wire
- Robert Hutchings Goddard, Solid Fuel Rockets
- William A. Goddard, Magnetic Disk Drive
- Leopold Godowsky, Jr., Kodachrome® Film
- Peter C. Goldmark, Long-Playing (LP) Record
- Andrea Goldsmith, Adaptive Beamforming for Multi-Antenna Wi-Fi
- Hannibal Goodwin, Transparent Flexible Nitrocellulose Film
- Charles Goodyear, Vulcanization of Rubber
- Robert W. Gore, ePTFE, Known by the GORE-TEX® Brand Name
- Gordon Gould, Optically Pumped Laser Amplifiers
- Barney Graham, Structure-Based Vaccine Design
- Zenobe Theophile Gramme, Direct-Current Dynamo
- Elisha Gray, Telegraphic Instruments
- Wilson Greatbatch, Implantable Pacemaker
- Leonard Michael Greene, Aircraft Stall Warning Device
- Leroy Grumman, Retractable Landing Gear; Folding Wing
- Robert Gundlach, Modern Photocopier
- Jaap C. Haartsen, Bluetooth® Wireless Technology
- Fritz Haber, Production of Ammonia
- Charles Martin Hall, Manufacture of Aluminum
- H. Tracy Hall, Diamond Synthesis
- Lloyd Augustus Hall, Food Preservatives
- Robert N. Hall, Semiconductor Laser
- Thomas Seavey Hall, Improvement in Electrical Signals
- Andrew Smith Hallidie, Cable Car
- Francis Hamilton, Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (Mark I)
- John Hays Hammond, Jr., Radio Control
- William Edward Hanford, Polyurethane
- Eli Harari, Floating Gate EEPROM
- W. Lincoln Hawkins, Polymer Cable Sheath
- Elizabeth Lee Hazen, Nystatin (Antifungal / Antibiotic)
- Howard Head, Laminate Ski; Oversized Tennis Racket
- M. Stephen Heilman, Implantable Heart Defibrillator
- George Heilmeier, Electro-Optic Liquid Crystal Device
- Martin Hellman, Public-Key Cryptography
- Francois Hennebique, Reinforced-Concrete Construction
- Beulah Louise Henry, Various Inventions for Daily Use
- Harald Hess, Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM)
- Peter Cooper Hewitt, Mercury-Vapor Lamp
- William R. Hewlett, Audio Oscillator
- Beatrice Hicks, Device for Sensing Gas Density
- Andrew Higgins, LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel); Higgins Boats
- Rene Alphonse Higonnet, Photo Composing Machine
- Maurice Ralph Hilleman, Vaccines
- James Hillier, Electron Microscope Lens Correction Device
- Richard Hoe, Double-Cylinder Printing Press
- Jean A. Hoerni, Method of Manufacturing Semiconductor Devices
- Marcian E. (Ted) Hoff, Microprocessor
- Felix Hoffmann, Aspirin
- J. Paul Hogan, High-Density Polyethylene and Polypropylene Plastics
- John Phillip Holland, Submarine
- Herman Hollerith, Punch Card Tabulator
- Alexander L. Holley, Steelmaking Process in America
- Kerrie Holley, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- Birdsill Holly, Jr., Modern-Day Fire Hydrant
- Donald Fletcher Holmes, Polyurethane
- Nick Holonyak, Jr., LED
- Virginia Holsinger, Dairy Product Innovations
- Benjamin Holt, Track-Type Tractor
- Stan Honey, Sports Broadcast Graphic Enhancements
- Leroy Edward Hood, DNA Sequencer
- Erna Schneider Hoover, Computerized Telephone Switching
- Philippe Horvath, CRISPR-enhanced Food Products
- Larry Hornbeck, Digital Micromirror Device
- Eugene Houdry, Catalytic Cracking
- Godfrey Newbold Hounsfield, CT Scan
- Elias Howe, Sewing Machine
- David Huang, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
- George Hulett, Loading and Unloading Machine
- Charles Hull, Stereolithography (3-D Printing)
- Walter Hunt, Safety Pin
- John Wesley Hyatt, Celluloid
- J. Franklin Hyde, Transparent Silica
- Irwin Mark Jacobs, CDMA Technology
- Joseph M. Jacobson, Electronic Ink
- Ali Javan, Helium-Neon Laser
- Allene Jeanes, Dextran Production; Xanthan Gum
- Alec Jeffreys, Genetic Fingerprinting
- Charles Jenkins, Motion Picture Projector
- Thomas Jennings, Dry Scouring
- Steve Jobs, iPod User Interface®
- Amos Joel, Jr., Mobile Communication System
- Clarence Johnson, Afterburning Means for Turbo-Jet Engines
- Kristina M. Johnson, Polarization-Control Technology
- Lonnie Johnson, Super Soaker®
- Warren S. Johnson, Temperature Control
- Frederick McKinley Jones, Mobile Refrigeration
- Howard S. Jones, Jr., Conformal Antennas
- Marshall Jones, Industrial Lasers
- Kenneth C. Jordan, Radioisotopic Thermoelectric Generator (RTG)
- Marjorie Stewart Joyner, Permanent Wave Machine
- George Judson, Continuous-Flow Blood Separator
- Percy Lavon Julian, Preparation of Cortisone
- Robert E. Kahn, Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
- Dawon Kahng, MOSFET
- Charles H. Kaman, Rotor Control Mechanism for Helicopter
- Dean Kamen, AutoSyringe® Ambulatory Infusion Pump
- Sheldon Kaplan, EpiPen® Auto-Injector
- Katalin Karikó, Modified mRNA Technology Used in COVID-19 Vaccines
- Donald B. Keck, Optical Fiber
- Cyril Keller, Bobcat® Skid-Steer Loader
- Louis Keller, Bobcat® Skid-Steer Loader
- John H. Kellogg, Breakfast Cereal
- Charles D. Kelman, Cataract Surgery
- Clarence Kemp, Passive Solar Water Heater
- Charles Franklin Kettering, Electrical Ignition System
- Mary Dixon Kies, Process for Weaving Straw with Silk or Thread
- Jack S. Kilby, Integrated Circuit
- Albert Kingsbury, Thrust Bearing
- Dale Kleist, Fiberglass
- David Klenerman, Sequencing-by-Synthesis (SBS)
- Margaret E. Knight, Machine for Making Flat-Bottom Paper Bags
- Jeff Kodosky, Virtual Instrumentation - LabVIEW™
- Willem J. Kolff, Artificial Heart
- Paul Kollsman, Altimeter
- William J. Kroll, Titanium Production
- Raymond Kurzweil, Optical Character Recognition
- Stephanie Louise Kwolek, Kevlar® Fiber
- Irwin M. Lachman, Ceramic Substrate in Catalytic Converters
- Clair Lake, Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (Mark I)
- Hedy Lamarr, Frequency Hopping Communication System
- Edwin Herbert Land, Instant One-Step Photography
- Alois A. Langer, Implantable Heart Defibrillator
- Robert S. Langer, Jr., Controlled Drug Delivery
- Irving Langmuir, Incandescent Electric Lamp
- Lorenzo L. Langstroth, Beehive
- Vincent L. Lanza, Polymer Cable Sheath
- Lewis Latimer, Durable Carbon Filament for Electric Light Bulbs
- Paul Christian Lauterbur, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Ernest Orlando Lawrence, Cyclotron
- Victor B. Lawrence, Signal Processing in Telecommunications
- William P. Lear, Car Radio
- Joseph Lechleider, DSL - Digital Subscriber Line
- Robert S. Ledley, CT Scan
- Joseph Lee, Bread Machines
- Tom Leighton, Content Delivery Network
- Henry M. Leland, Interchangeable Parts for Automobiles
- Daniel Lewin, Content Delivery Network
- Ronald M. Lewis, Ceramic Substrate in Catalytic Converters
- Ming-Jun Li, Bend-Insensitive Optical Fiber
- Frances Ligler, Portable Optical Biosensors
- Lisa Lindahl, Sports Bra
- Edwin A. Link, Flight Simulator
- Barbara Liskov, Programming Languages and System Design
- Oliver Joseph Lodge, Electric Telegraphy
- Alfred L. Loomis, LORAN
- Auguste-Marie Lumiere, Cinematographe
- Louis Lumiere, Cinematographe
- John Joseph Lynott, Magnetic Disk Drive
- Paul B. MacCready, Gossamer Condor
- John Macdougall, Ion Implantation
- Stanley Macomber, Open Web Joist
- Asad Madni, MEMS Gyroscope for Aerospace and Automotive Safety
- Theodore Harold Maiman, Laser
- Ken Manchester, Ion Implantation
- Leopold Mannes, Kodachrome® Film
- Peter Mansfield, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Guglielmo Marconi, Radio
- Warren Marrison, Quartz Clock
- Pamela Marrone, Biological Pest Control
- Homer Z. Martin, Fluid Catalytic Cracking
- John L. Mason, Mason Jar
- Jan Ernst Matzeliger, Shoe-Lasting Machine
- John Mauchly, ENIAC
- Robert D. Maurer, Optical Fiber
- Hiram S. Maxim, Maxim Gun; Smokeless Gunpowder
- Wilhelm Maybach, Explosion and Combustion Motor
- Stanley Mazor, Microprocessor
- Cyrus McCormick, Mechanical Reaper
- Elijah McCoy, Automatic Engine Lubricator
- James McEwen, Automatic Surgical Tourniquet
- Otis Ray McIntire, STYROFOAM™ Brand Foam
- Malcom McLean, Containerized Shipping
- Jason McLellan, Structure-Based Vaccine Design
- Harold McMaster, Tempered Glass
- Carver Mead, Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI)
- Ottmar Mergenthaler, Linotype Composing Machine
- Ralph Merkle, Public-Key Cryptography
- Robert M. Metcalfe, Ethernet
- Gary K. Michelson, Spinal Surgical Devices
- Thomas Midgley, Jr., Ethyl Gasoline
- Alexander Miles, Improved Method for Opening and Closing Elevators
- Hinda Miller, Sports Bra
- Lewis Miller, Improvement in Mowing Machines
- Irving Millman, Vaccine for Hepatitis B
- Michel Mirowski, Implantable Heart Defibrillator
- Sumita Mitra, Nanocomposite Dental Materials
- Dennis L. Moeller, Peripherals
- Bryan B. Molloy, Prozac
- Luc Montagnier, HIV Virus Isolation and Diagnosis
- Robert A. Moog, Moog Synthesizer
- Gordon Moore, Method for Fabricating Transistors
- Ed Morgan, Tubular Steel Track Roller Coaster
- Garrett Morgan, The Gas Mask; Three-way Traffic Signal
- Samuel F. B. Morse, Telegraph
- Mick Mountz, Mobile Robotic Material Handling for Order Fulfillment
- Morton Mower, Implantable Heart Defibrillator
- Andrew J. Moyer, Method for Production of Penicillin
- Louis Marius Moyroud, Photo Composing Machine
- Joseph Muhler, Stannous Fluoride Toothpaste
- Kary B. Mullis, Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Eger V. Murphree, Fluid Catalytic Cracking
- William P. Murphy, Jr., Disposable Medical Trays
- George Washington Murray, Agricultural Machinery
- Thomas E. Murray, Electric Fuse Box
- Eadweard Muybridge, Stop-Action Photography
- Shuji Nakamura, Blue LED
- William Nebergall, Stannous Fluoride Toothpaste
- Walther H. Nernst, Metallic Filament Incandescent Lamp
- John Nicholson, Ibuprofen
- Rev. Julius Arthur Nieuwland, C.S.C., Synthetic Rubber
- Alfred Nobel, Dynamite
- Arthur Nobile, Prednisone
- John K. Northrop, Flying Wing Plane; All-Metal High-Wing Monocoque Airplane (Vega)
- Virginia Norwood, Multispectral Scanner
- Frederick Novello, Thiazide Diuretics (Chlorothiazide)
- Robert N. Noyce, Integrated Circuit
- Bernard Oliver, Pulse Code Modulation
- Kenneth H. Olsen, Magnetic Core Memory
- Miguel Angel Ondetti, Captopril
- Elisha Graves Otis, Elevator Brake
- Nicolaus August Otto, Gas-Motor Engine
- Stanford R. Ovshinsky, Nickel-Metal Hydride Battery
- Michael J. Owens, Glass-Shaping Machine
- Charles G. Page, High-Voltage Induction Coil
- William Painter, Bottle Cap
- David Pall, Leukocyte Reduction Filter
- Julio C. Palmaz, Intravascular Stent
- Louis W. Parker, Television Receiver
- Bradford Parkinson, Global Positioning System
- James A. Parsons Jr., Durimet 20 (Alloy 20) Stainless Steel Alloy
- John T. Parsons, Numerical Control
- Louis Pasteur, Pasteurization
- C. Kumar N. Patel, Carbon Dioxide Laser
- Charles Richard (C.R.) Patterson, Carriages
- Les Paul, Solid-Body Electric Guitar
- Arogyaswami Paulraj, MIMO Wireless Technology
- Gerald L. Pearson, Silicon Solar Cell
- Lester A. Pelton, Water Wheel
- Mary Engle Pennington, Food Preservation and Storage
- Radia Perlman, Robust Network Routing and Bridging
- Henry Phillips, Phillips Screw
- Thomas R. Pickering, Improved Velocipede
- John Pierce, Communications Satellite
- Gregory Pincus, Oral Contraceptive
- Charles J. Plank, Zeolite Catalyst for Catalytic Cracking
- Roy J. Plunkett, Teflon
- Mary Florence Potts, Cold-Handle Sad Iron
- Valdemar Poulsen, Magnetic Wire Recorder
- George M. Pullman, Pullman Car
- Michael Pupin, Loading Coil for Long Distance Telephony
- Jacob Rabinow, Optical Character Reading
- Grote Reber, Radio Telescope
- Louis Renault, Automobiles
- Jesse Wilford Reno, Escalator
- Rebecca Richards-Kortum, Medical Devices for Low-Resource Settings
- Ken Richardson, Fluconazole
- Norbert Rillieux, Automated Sugar Refining
- Robert Rines, High-Resolution Radar and Sonar
- Dennis Ritchie, UNIX Operating System
- James Ritty, Mechanical Cash Register
- John Ritty, Mechanical Cash Register
- Ronald Rivest, RSA Cryptography
- John Roebling, Suspension Bridge
- John Raphael Rogers, Matrix for Linotype Machine
- Heinrich Rohrer, Scanning Tunneling Microscope
- Lubomyr Romankiw, Magnetic Thin-Film Storage Head
- Harold A. Rosen, Geosynchronous Communications Satellite
- Edward J. Rosinski, Zeolite Catalyst for Catalytic Cracking
- Benjamin A. Rubin, Pronged Vaccinating Needle
- Wallace Clement Sabine, Architectural Acoustics
- Augustine Sackett, Drywall
- Aran Safir, Iris Recognition System
- Lewis Hastings Sarett, Synthetic Cortisone
- Steven Sasson, Digital Camera
- Joseph Saxton, Measuring Instruments
- Richard Schatz, Palmaz-Schatz Coronary Stent
- Arthur Leonard Schawlow, Laser
- Klaus K. Schmiegel, Prozac
- Peter C. Schultz, Optical Fiber
- Edmund O. Schweitzer III, Digital Protective Relay
- Glenn T. Seaborg, Plutonium Isolation
- Charles D. Seeberger, Escalator
- Robert J. Seiwald, Isothiocyanate Compounds for Antigen Identification
- William Sellers, Improvement in Boring Mills
- Waldo L. Semon, Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
- Gerhard M. Sessler, Electret Microphone
- Adi Shamir, RSA Cryptography
- Claude Shannon, Pulse Code Modulation
- Gary D. Sharp, Polarization-Control Technology
- John C. Sheehan, Synthesis of Penicillin
- Patsy O. Sherman, Scotchgard™ Textile Protector
- Joseph C. Shivers Jr., LYCRA® Fiber (Spandex)
- William B. Shockley, Transistor
- Christopher Sholes, Typewriter
- Frederick Ellsworth Sickels, Valve for Steam Engines
- Igor I. Sikorsky, Helicopter
- John H. Silliker, Microbiological Food Safety and Testing
- Bernard Silver, First Optically Scanned Bar Code
- Spencer Silver, Post-it® Notes
- Edward Sisler, 1-MCP for Fruit, Vegetable and Flower Freshness
- Samuel Slater, Spinning Machine
- Games Slayter, Fiberglass
- H. Gene Slottow, Plasma Display
- Floyd Smith, Modern Parachute
- George E. Smith, Charge-Coupled Device
- Polly Smith, Sports Bra
- Samuel Smith, Scotchgard™ Textile Protector
- Lanny Smoot, Theatrical Technologies and Special Effects
- James Murray Spangler, Portable Electric Vacuum Cleaner
- William J. Sparks, Butyl Rubber
- Percy L. Spencer, High-Efficiency Magnetron
- Elmer Ambrose Sperry, Gyroscopic Compass
- Frank J. Sprague, Electric Street Car
- James Sprague, Thiazide Diuretics (Chlorothiazide)
- Rangaswamy Srinivasan, Excimer Laser Surgery
- William Stanley, Jr., Induction Coil
- Gary K. Starkweather, Laser Printer
- Charles Proteus Steinmetz, Alternating Current
- Leo H. Sternbach, Benzodiazepines
- John Stevens, Steam-Powered Transportation
- Louis Stevens, Data Storage Machine
- George R. Stibitz, Digital Computer
- Alice Stoll, Fire-Resistant Fibers and Fabrics
- S. Donald Stookey, Glass Ceramics
- Harriet W. R. Strong, Water Storage and Flood Control
- Herbert M. Strong, Diamond Synthesis
- Almon Brown Strowger, Automatic Telephone-Dialing System
- Eugene Sullivan, PYREX® Brand Cookware
- Gideon Sundback, Modern Zipper
- Ivan E. Sutherland, Display Windowing by Clipping
- Eric Swanson, Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
- Ambrose Swasey, Telescope
- Leo Szilard, Nuclear Fission
- Donalee L. Tabern, Pentothal / Anesthesia
- Charles Sumner Tainter, Sound-Recording Instruments
- Jokichi Takamine, Adrenaline (Adrenalin®)
- Esther Sans Takeuchi, Lithium/Silver Vanadium Oxide (Li/SVO) Battery Technology in Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICDs)
- Pushkar Tandon, Bend-Insensitive Optical Fiber
- Ching Wan Tang, Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED)
- Welton I. Taylor, Microbiological Food Safety and Testing
- Gordon Teal, Silicon Transistor
- Ralph Teetor, Cruise Control
- Maria Telkes, Solar Thermal Storage Systems
- Paul Terasaki, Tissue Typing for Organ Transplants; Terasaki Tray
- Eli Terry, Clock
- Nikola Tesla, Electro-Magnetic Motor
- John H. Thomas, Fiberglass
- Robert M. Thomas, Butyl Rubber
- David A. Thompson, Magnetic Thin-Film Storage Head
- Ken Thompson, UNIX Operating System
- Elihu Thomson, Electric Arc Lamp
- Louis Comfort Tiffany, Glass Tile, Mosaic
- Henry Timken, Tapered Roller Bearings
- Max Tishler, Synthesis of Vitamin B2 and Sulfaquinoxaline (Antibiotic)
- Charles Hard Townes, Maser
- James Truchard, Virtual Instrumentation - LabVIEW™
- Roger Tsien, Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Variants
- Charles W. Tyson, Fluid Catalytic Cracking
- Theophilus Van Kannel, Revolving Door
- Steven Van Slyke, Organic Light-Emitting Diode (OLED)
- Andrew J. Viterbi, CDMA Technology
- Ernest H. Volwiler, Pentothal / Anesthesia
- Luis von Ahn, reCAPTCHA
- Theodore von Karman, Aerodynamic Structure for Planes and Wings
- Hans J.P. von Ohain, Turbojet Engine
- Carl Auer von Welsbach, Incandescent Device
- Ferdinand von Zeppelin, Rigid Airship
- Selman Waksman, Streptomycin
- David Walt, Microwell Arrays
- An Wang, Magnetic Core Memory
- Frank Wanlass, Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
- William J. Warner, Digital Nonlinear Editing System
- Lewis Edson Waterman, Fountain Pen
- Thomas A. Watson, Improvements to the Telephone
- Drew Weissman, Modified mRNA Technology Used in COVID-19 Vaccines
- Robert Wentorf, Jr., Diamond Synthesis
- James E. West, Electret Microphone
- George Westinghouse, Jr., Air Brake System
- Edward Weston, Portable Voltmeter
- Squire Whipple, Iron Truss Bridge
- Richard Whitcomb, Supercritical Wing
- Rollin Henry White, Steam Generator; Controlled Differential
- Willis Whitfield, Clean Room
- Eli Whitney, Cotton Gin
- Frank Whittle, Jet Engine
- Otto Wichterle, Soft Contact Lens
- Robert Widlar, Linear Integrated Circuits
- Stephen Wilcox, Jr., Improvement in Steam Generators
- Robert R. Williams, Vitamin Synthesis
- Sam B. Williams, Small Fan-Jet Engine
- Robert H. Willson, Plasma Display
- Field Winslow, Polymer Cable Sheath
- Alexander Winton, Automobile, Bicycle, and Diesel Applications
- N. Joseph Woodland, First Optically Scanned Bar Code
- Granville Woods, Railway Telegraphy
- Steve Wozniak, Personal Computer
- Orville Wright, Airplane
- Wilbur Wright, Airplane
- Margaret Wu, Synthetic Lubricants
- Peter Wurman, Mobile Robotic Material Handling for Order Fulfillment
- James J. Wynne, Excimer Laser Surgery
- Alejandro Zaffaroni, Bandage for Administering Drugs
- Frank J. Zamboni, Ice Rink Resurfacing Machine
- Xiaowei Zhuang, Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM)
- Vladimir Zworykin, Cathode-Ray Tube
- Frank Zybach, Center-Pivot Irrigation
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