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Supporting Family Engagement With Invention Education

Educator Insights

The data is clear: Families that are engaged in their children’s educational success contribute to improved academic outcomes. However, despite a strong desire for this type of transformative engagement among families from diverse socioeconomic, racial and educational backgrounds, many face barriers.

In a recent survey conducted by Panorama Education in partnership with the Harvard University Graduate School of Education, which included more than 18,000 parents and guardians, researchers revealed several of these barriers, such as:

  • Busy Schedules: Over half (54%) of respondents listed their busy schedules as a "medium" to "very large problem" when it comes to being involved with their children’s schools.
  • Child Care: 25% of parents and guardians cited child care as a "medium" to "very large problem."
  • Concerns About Treatment: 21% of parents and guardians worry that school staff will treat their child differently if they raise a concern.
  • Lack of Information: 18% feel their child’s school does not provide enough information about opportunities to be involved.

These challenges are compounded further by persistent economic and structural disparities, highlighting the urgent need for schools to provide equitable family engagement solutions that are accessible and flexible enough to adapt to families’ unique needs.


Keeping Families Involved With Invention Education

One effective strategy for school districts across the country is to offer programs rooted in invention education – a pedagogy that challenges students to solve real-world problems by creating their own invention prototypes.

For more than 30 years, the National Inventors Hall of Fame® has developed innovative invention education curricula that have inspired millions of students nationwide. Because they are given the opportunity to invent solutions on their own, often children grow a passion for these experiences and bring their projects home to further develop and share with their families.

Because National Inventors Hall of Fame education programs are built with accessibility in mind, participants are not only provided with creative materials but also taught to recognize everyday items that are often available in their own homes as ideal materials for developing their invention prototypes. Many family members join their students in finding new uses for the items in their recycle bins and continue to encourage their students’ creative thinking and problem-solving persistence.

Such opportunities to cultivate innovative problem solving at home can lead to incredible outcomes. In fact, some students who have participated in National Inventors Hall of Fame education programs have won nationwide invention contests, started businesses and invented products that have been featured on “Shark Tank” and QVC.


Engage Students and Families

Are you looking for a customized education program to support your district’s family engagement strategy? Learn how Invention Project® can help!

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