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Tips for Teachers Introducing STEM Careers to Students

Educator Insights

One of the most exciting aspects of STEM careers is that they are ever evolving. From environmental science to pioneering medical technology, employment in STEM occupations is projected to increase by at least 10% within the next decade.

With a growing emphasis on STEM enrichment and exposure, educators across the country are leading initiatives to introduce innovative career possibilities. You can empower your students to embrace their potential to change the future – and with these tips, you’ll have STEM career exposure down to a science.


1. Plan an Epic STEM Field Trip

Bring STEM curricula to life with a field trip that will spark curiosity and allow your students to witness STEM careers in action.

A trip to the zoo or local nature reserve can connect them to biodiversity concepts. Exploring environmental challenges that pose threats to animals and their habitats, they’ll be all ears when they hear about wildlife conservationists. Contact your local zoo, aquarium or conservation organization to see if a specialist can act as a guide! Additionally, many zoos have live webcams that can be streamed in the classroom for extended student engagement.

History and science museums are also top contenders for STEM career exposure. At the National Inventors Hall of Fame® Museum, for instance, students can see innovation on display and learn about more than 600 world-changing inventors – outstanding STEM career role models! For a comprehensive approach, you also could plan a follow-up activity to reinforce STEM concepts encountered during their field trip. Ask students to reflect on what they saw and how it changed the way they view STEM.


2. Explore Real-World STEM Resources

Do your students love robots? There’s a STEM job for that. Are they captivated by outer space? There’s a STEM job for that, too! As you identify student goals and interests, resources from organizations that invest in STEM education, outreach and workforce development, such as the Department of Defense (DoD), can connect their aspirations with in-demand careers.

From a dynamic video library of STEM specialists to this comprehensive biotechnology career guide, DoD STEM’s online resources offer excellent entry points for career exploration. You also can print this free classroom poster highlighting over 200 STEM careers!

For even more learning opportunities involving leading-edge technologies like advanced manufacturing, robotics, artificial intelligence and biotechnology, keep exploring with DoD STEM.


3. Think Outside the Box of Traditional STEM

One way to boost enthusiasm for innovation is by challenging students to think outside the box with experiences that connect STEM with the arts through hands-on problem solving.

As more STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) careers emerge, creative students are gaining interest in how meaningful careers can combine science and the arts. After all, creativity is what fuels STEM professionals to solve complex problems. By taking a holistic approach to STEM curricula, you can guide students to embrace their artistic talent while building skills in core subjects like math and science.

Consider engaging your students in hands-on creativity and solution finding with STEM activities that explore a variety of topics, like music and sound waves, candy making and the science of slime, which could lead them to identify a fascinating career path. You even can extend hands-on STEM and STEAM career exploration beyond the classroom with exciting out-of-school-time programs like Invention Project®, or summer programs like Camp Invention®.


A Future of Opportunity

The STEM careers of the future represent limitless opportunities for the next generation to make their mark on the world. Explore our website for more ideas and resources.

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