Blog STEM Activities

STEM Activity: Fall Fun With Fractions

STEM Activities

When it comes to exploring STEM concepts, using a relatable, hands-on approach can often help kids grasp ideas related to science, math and more – and have fun at the same time!

The activity below offers a festive and engaging opportunity to make math connections and have fun with fractions.


Materials Needed:

  • Bag of autumn mix candy (or any seasonal treat with small pieces)
  • Cup
  • Pencil
  • Scrap paper
  • Straw
  • Pair of chopsticks
  • Timing device


Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Open your bag of candy and count how many pieces there are. For this activity, we recommend starting with an even number of candies. So, if you have an odd number, treat yourself to one piece of candy to bring your total down to an even number!
  2. Write down the total number of candy pieces on your scrap paper as the bottom number of a fraction. This number is called a denominator.
  3. Position your cup in the center of the table and spread your candy around it.
  4. Decide on the unique method you will use to move the candies.
    • If you have autumn mix candy, or another type of candy with large pieces, try using a straw. For this method, it is helpful to place the straw in your mouth before moving to Step 5.
    • If you are using candy pieces that are smaller than a straw, try using chopsticks.
    • You also can use your imagination to come up with your own method. Can you think of another way to move the candy pieces without using your hands?
  5. Set a timer for one minute and press start.
  6. Using your chosen method, pick up as many pieces of candy as you can and drop them into the cup.
  7. When the timer goes off, count the pieces of candy in the cup and write the number above the denominator on the scrap piece of paper.
  8. If the fraction is not in its simplest form, simplify the fraction.
    • To simplify a fraction, find the largest number that divides evenly into both the top number (numerator) and the bottom number (denominator). Then, divide both the top and bottom by that number, making the fraction as small as possible.
    • For example, if you start with 48 pieces of candy, and you pick up eight with your straw, your fraction is 8/48, and you can simplify it to 1/6. This means that you picked up one out of every six pieces of candy!
  9. This activity can be repeated and used to practice adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing fractions.
  10. For added fun, enjoy the candy with family or friends when you’re finished!


What Are We Discovering?

Mathematics is an essential part of our everyday lives, and through this activity, the topic becomes more accessible for children. By making meaningful connections through creative problem solving, kids can build confidence and perseverance, strengthen their mathematical abilities, and create a strong foundation for potential education or career paths in STEM, as well as countless real-world scenarios.


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