How Invention Education Can Address Absenteeism
Trends in STEMDate November 24, 2024
Est. Reading Time 3 mins
When a student misses a day of school, they might face the temporary inconvenience of completing a few makeup assignments. Now, imagine a student missing an entire month of school. Chronic absenteeism is one of the leading obstacles preventing students from thriving in K-12 public education. For many students, missing school positions them to be in a constant game of catch-up throughout the school year. It’s a challenge that requires educators and their districts to think outside the box.
Defined as missing at least 10% of the school year, chronic absenteeism remains at historic levels across the country. As cited in our recent white paper, “Addressing Chronic Absenteeism in Schools Nationwide,” this trend equates to 18-20 days of absences on average. Student attendance doesn’t just impact academic outcomes in a single school year – chronic absenteeism also increases the risk of adverse outcomes later in life.
The widespread issue of chronic absenteeism can be attributed to several factors ranging from socioeconomic barriers, lack of cultural competence in the classroom and even aversions to school linked to anxiety. At the National Inventors Hall of Fame®, we believe that the correlation between student engagement and attendance rates is an important data point. For over three decades, our invention education programs have improved academic outcomes, fostered a love for learning and increased attendance rates.
How Invention Education Can Address Chronic Absenteeism
As educators strive to provide equal opportunities in their classroom, getting students to school is half the battle. Invention education is an inspired approach to learning that can help schools address chronic absenteeism. With curricula directly inspired by National Inventors Hall of Fame Inductees, invention education programs spotlight role models in STEM and are designed for inclusive experiences that engage young minds.
Hands-On Student Engagement
One of the most effective ways to improve student attendance is by creating an engaging learning environment. Invention education programs are all about hands-on learning experiences. As students complete the process of designing and prototyping new solutions, invention education demonstrates the value of experiential learning. As students embrace their ideas and unlock their unique creativity, they build confidence and strengthen their sense of belonging in the classroom.
Building Confidence by Solving Real-World Challenges
As educators strive to inspire the next generation, invention education bridges the gap between real-world challenges and subjects like mathematics and science. This pedagogical approach resonates well with students who often question the relevance of what they are learning. By providing authentic, open-ended challenges that encourage creative problem solving, students can connect how their skills translate as solutions to the world around them. After just one week of Camp Invention®, students develop personal persistence as they apply their solutions to real-world challenges.
Peer-to-Peer Collaboration
The domino effect of chronic absenteeism is worth noting. In fact, when 10% of their classmates are missing from school, students are more likely to be absent themselves the following day. Invention education welcomes an “all-hands-on-deck” approach to learning.
Invention education programs encourage students to work together collaboratively as they find solutions and build relationships with each other. As students apply critical thinking skills in group settings, they practice and develop important life skills that benefit them beyond the classroom.
Improving Student Outcomes With Invention Education
Invention education boosts student engagement through hands-on learning, creative collaboration and finding value in real-world problem solving. Hear from educators like you to learn more about the benefits of invention education.