Blog Trends in STEM

3 Ways to Embrace Invention Education in Action

Trends in STEM

At its best, invention education is more than a creative and engaging pedagogy; it’s a transformative approach to problem solving that anyone can use to develop more creative solutions to everyday problems.

By incorporating hands-on creation and innovative thinking within your daily routine, invention education can help foster critical thinking, resilience and adaptability. Read below for three practical ways to integrate this approach throughout everyday life!


Consider the Power of Improvement

At the core of invention education’s effectiveness is the belief that just because something has been done a certain way for a long time, that does not mean better ways do not exist.

Consider identifying one aspect of your routine that could be made more efficient or effective. It could be as simple as organizing your workspace or streamlining your morning routine. Once you've pinpointed an area for improvement, commit to making small changes and iterating over time. Embrace the process of trial and error, seek feedback, and refine your approach until you arrive at an improved outcome.


Engage in Collaboration

Many of the world’s most impactful innovations were the result of collaboration, where individuals from diverse backgrounds and disciplines teamed up to overcome complex problems.

Reflect on ways in which you can team up with friends, family and colleagues to solve challenges you are collectively experiencing. In a work environment, consider organizing regular brainstorming sessions to address persistent issues or improve processes, where each team member can contribute their unique insights and skills. At home, try involving family members in tackling household projects or planning for the week, leveraging everyone’s strengths to create more effective solutions.


Try Your Hand at DIY

Engaging in DIY projects is another powerful way to integrate invention education into your daily life.

Start with small, manageable projects that interest you, such as creating homemade gadgets, upcycling household items or crafting personalized gifts. These projects not only hone your practical skills but also allow you to flex your creative muscles as you experiment with different materials and techniques. DIY projects also foster resilience and build confidence, helping you practice persistence through challenges and learn from setbacks. Once you’ve completed a project, sharing your work and collaborating with others in DIY communities can provide valuable feedback and inspire new ideas for future projects.


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