Program Terms and Conditions
Essential Eligibility Criteria
The National Inventors Hall of Fame, Inc. (“NIHF”) has developed these Essential Eligibility Criteria (“EEC”) to educate all prospective and registering families on the essential criteria necessary for an individual to participate in a NIHF program. NIHF programming strives to make all experiences accessible to children regardless of ability. Each prospective family should be familiar with the EEC before registration. Please read carefully. These EEC identify the minimum requirements, based on safety and risk-management considerations, that all participants must meet to be eligible for participation.
All participants must, with or without reasonable accommodations:
A. Come to each day of the program with an open mind and positive attitude, be motivated to try new things, learn new skills, and actively participate in activities.
B. Work on projects independently and in peer groups. This includes, but is not limited to, helping set up and take down activities, and treating equipment and supplies with care and respect.
C. Be able to function in high-stimulation environments that may include loud noises, bright or flashing lights, repetitive movements, magnets, and interactive activities with facilitators and peers.
D. Be able to understand and follow rules and instructions individually or as part of a group, frequently without one-on-one instruction or direction, and be able to handle changes to typical daily routines.
E. Respond appropriately in the face of unexpected challenges presented by the program environment, be able to obey authority figures (such as teachers or other personnel) and self-regulate behavior to support group learning.
F. Communicate effectively with, and respond to, others including regarding any injury or the need for assistance.
G. Be able to refrain from physically or verbally aggressive behavior directed toward others, property, or the participant themselves (i.e., self-harm). This includes, but is not limited to, using appropriate language, refraining from outbursts, yelling, or taking things that do not belong to them, and being able to stay near the group and not run or wander away.
H. Perform necessary self-care tasks independently including personal hygiene/hand washing, toileting, drinking, eating, moving from room to room throughout the day, and dressing appropriately for activities.
Acknowledgment of Personnel Limitations: You acknowledge that locations hosting summer/after-hours programs do not have the same personnel/tools available as they might during a typical school day. *Nurses, special education assistance, aides, etc., are not on site.
If it becomes apparent after the program begins that the participant cannot meet the EEC, NIHF or the local level may dismiss the participant from the program in its sole discretion. No refunds will be given if a participant is dismissed due to their failure to meet the EEC.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s ability to meet these EEC or would like to speak with someone at NIHF about reasonable accommodations for your child, please contact us at 800-968-4332 or [email protected] a minimum of 12 weeks prior to the start date of the program to initiate the interactive process. We will provide you with a health information form via email after this initial conversation. While we cannot guarantee that we can grant the accommodation request, we will individually review and discuss all accommodation inquiries. Depending on the circumstance, you may be responsible to cover certain costs related to the requested accommodation.
Program Code of Conduct: Applicable to all program participants, friends/family members, personnel, and visitors.
All children and adults are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible, respectful, and safe manner and adhere to the following guidelines:
- Cooperate with program facilitators and do not disrupt, distract, or interfere with the standard operations or integrity of the program.
- Refrain from cell phone use during program unless expressly permitted otherwise. Do not share or discuss inappropriate or vulgar content of any kind with others.
- No teasing, bullying (repeated, intentionally hurtful behavior), foul or obscene language, outbursts, verbal or physical aggression (such as biting, spitting, scratching, hitting, kicking, yelling, etc.), fighting, stealing, damaging property, or any other form of unlawful harassment, intimidation, or endangerment to the safety of self or others is allowed.
Incident Protocols:
- When behavior concerns arise, Program Team Members (PTMs) will approach the situation in a calm but direct manner to address the negative actions and resolve conflicts.
- When needed, information will be gathered from others involved or witnesses of incident.
- Physical holding of a child may be necessary in a crisis situation or for the child’s safety to prevent harm to self, others, or property.
- Each situation is unique and will be assessed, depending on the level of severity, if a warning or program removal is necessary.
- A PTM will discuss concerns and/or provide the parent or guardian a copy of the Incident Report. (If others are involved names will be redacted for privacy.)
- Incident Reports may also be completed for health, accidental, and/or informational purposes and are subject to local protocols and guidelines.
- Parents or guardians should not confront or approach other children or families about an incident at any time. All relevant parties will be addressed on an individual basis.
- Children should immediately make a PTM aware if they are involved in or witness an incident concerning any harmful behaviors or actions.
- Severe or recurring incidents are subject to removal from the program with no refund, and, if needed, local authorities may be contacted.
Photography & Media Release
By selecting “Yes,” you authorize the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Inc. (“NIHF”), its corporate, philanthropic and government sponsors, affiliates, employees, and those associated with NIHF, including but not limited to program team members and NIHF inductees, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to obtain, store, produce, publish and/or use, without payment, any photographs, slides, video recordings, or audio recordings taken of your child, yourself, or any members of your family while at a NIHF program for any lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, trade, historical archive, or fundraising. You agree to release NIHF and its legal representatives from liability for any violation or claims related to the use of such photographs, slides, video recordings, or audio recordings.
Further, you grant NIHF permission to lawfully use, without payment, the statements of your child, yourself, or any member of your family while at a NIHF program for the purpose of publication, promotion, illustration, advertising, trade, historical archive, or fundraising without restriction.
If you have selected “No” in response to the Photography & Media Release, please note that pictures and videos in which your child may appear, but is not identifiable, may still be used.
Refund Policy and Cancellation Insurance
$90 of each registration fee is nonrefundable. The remaining balance is refundable up to 11:59pm ET on the Sunday three weeks prior to the start date of the program. Cancellations made after this time are nonrefundable, as materials and educator costs are allocated and final. As long as there is availability, you can switch your program location up to six weeks before the start date (Refund Policy will be applicable to the earliest start date). Scholarship registrations and kits are nonrefundable.
Cancellation Insurance may only be purchased at the time of registration for an additional $30 per participant, which covers the registration cost should a parent need to cancel, less the insurance fee and any applicable materials which must be returned and unopened. Cancellation Insurance claims are redeemable up to the first day of the program by speaking with a Customer Relations representative at 800-968-4332.
Exemption Disclaimer
Camp Invention is the only nationally acclaimed summer enrichment day experience for children entering grades K-6 led by local certified educators, with a Team Member to child ratio of 1:8. Camp Invention was created and inspired by the National Inventors Hall of Fame Inductees and has a partnership with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Under most state laws, Camp Invention is exempt from licensing requirements governing recreational camps for children. Camp Invention operates an educational summer program and not a recreational camp; and therefore is not required to be licensed by most local Boards of Health/Health Departments in the cities or towns where these programs are located. Please contact Camp Invention at 800-968-4332 with any questions.
Emergency Treatment Authorization
You hereby authorize the diagnosis and treatment by a qualified and licensed medical professional, of your child, should a medical emergency occur, which the attending medical professional believes immediate attention is required to prevent further endangerment of the minor’s life, physical disfigurement or impairment, or undue pain, suffering or discomfort if delayed. Permission is granted to the attending physician to proceed with an examination, diagnosis and medical or minor surgical or other treatment. In the event of a medical emergency, you understand that every attempt will be made by the attending physician to contact you in the most expeditious way possible. The authorization is granted only after a reasonable effort has been made to reach you. Permission is also granted to the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Inc. and its affiliates to provide emergency treatment prior to the child’s admission to the medical facility. This release is authorized for the duration of the registered session. This release is authorized and executed of your own free will, with the sole purpose of authorizing medical treatment under emergency circumstances, for the protection of life and limb of the named minor child, in your absence.
Liability Waiver
On your own behalf, and as a parent or guardian, you acknowledge and agree that there is the possibility of physical injury or loss associated with your child’s participation in the program and hereby release, discharge the National Inventors Hall of Fame, Inc., its affiliated organizations, employees and associated personnel including the owners of the program facility against any and all claims, liabilities and/or damages as a result of your child’s participation in the program.
By registering your child for a National Inventors Hall of Fame, Inc. program, you certify that you have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions of the program, and that the participant can meet the EEC as stated therein, with or without reasonable accommodations, which is required for your child to participate.