Addressing Chronic Absenteeism in Schools Nationwide

With Chronic Absenteeism at Record Levels, Action Must Be Taken

Defined as missing at least 10% of a school year, typically 18 to 20 days total, for any reason, chronic absenteeism remains at historically high levels. This is a problem because attendance and engagement in the classroom are crucial for academic success, social development and successful long-term outcomes.

This white paper explores the many causes of chronic absenteeism and how this challenge negatively impacts students from all demographics and backgrounds.

By reading this report, you will:

  • Understand how chronic absenteeism negatively impacts academic performance and future opportunities
  • Discover the underlying factors contributing to chronic absenteeism
  • Examine the increase in chronic absenteeism across the nation since 2019
  • Learn how the partnership between the Escondido Union School District and the National Inventors Hall of Fame® has successfully engaged students

Download This Free White Paper!

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