How to Boost Students’ Engagement and Agency?

The Power of Student Engagement

Imagine for a moment two fencers – sweat dripping down their faces. As they slowly move closer, they notice small details in how the other is holding their sword. Informed from countless hours of practice, at the precise moment when the other is in range, they strike. This crucial moment is known as the “engagement” and requires incredible focus and concentration from each combatant.

In the realm of education, decades of research have shown that engagement is just as vital to learning and sustained academic success. However, due to limited time and resources, it can sometimes be challenging for a teacher to prioritize this in their classrooms.

This paper explores how engagement begins with interest, and how Self-Determination Theory can provide a helpful guide to creating the ideal conditions for students to develop a passion for what they’re learning.

Highlights include:

  • An explanation of why the emotion of interest is essential to our overall well-being
  • Concrete reasons why many students feel unengaged in a traditional school environment
  • Practical ways to implement Self-Determination Theory in the classroom using invention education

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