Blog Behind the NIHF Scenes

Creating a Brighter Future

Behind the NIHF Scenes

We’ve been reflecting on the impact of the entire National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF) family, including our Inductees, sponsors and donors, educator partners, education program and competition participants, and the many parents committed to raising the next generation of creators, innovators, entrepreneurs and problem solvers.

By supporting the NIHF mission recognizing inventors and invention, promoting creativity and advancing the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship — you are contributing to a brighter future for everyone.


Solving complex problems

Not only have NIHF Inductees developed influential, inspiring and even life-saving inventions, but they have also empowered emerging inventors by sharing their unique perspectives and experiences. As we bring the lessons of our Inductees to the next generation, we ensure that innovation remains in capable hands.  

We can see a promising future in the work of our Collegiate Inventors Competition® Finalists as well as the young innovators who participate in our education programs. Their ambition and talents will solve increasingly complex problems and benefit others in ways we have yet to predict.


Making the world a better place

Each sponsorship and donation made to NIHF is an investment in a more innovative world. We are grateful for the essential role our donors and sponsors play in achieving our mission, making sure that the education opportunities we provide are inclusive and accessible to all.

In addition to funding, NIHF programs rely on dedicated local educators to make them all happen. Everyone at NIHF is grateful for our educator partners, their commitment to continuously enhancing their expertise, their enthusiastic promotion of creativity and innovation, and their genuine passion for empowering their students. 

We also wish to acknowledge the power of parents who encourage their children to follow their dreams. Dedicated parents make it possible for children to become the confident creators and innovators who will determine the future of our nation and our world.


Sharing the ongoing story of American innovation

If you have ever visited the NIHF Museum just outside Washington, D.C., you have played a part in bringing the NIHF mission to life. Your support ensures that we can continue telling the inspiring stories of America’s rich history of innovation and connecting the world’s greatest innovators with those who are just beginning to discover their own potential. Thank you!

Together, we can shape the future. Stay up to date with all NIHF programs and events, and find more opportunities to get involved, by following our NIHF and Camp Invention Facebook pages.

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