Exploring the Science in STEAM
Trends in STEMDate March 19, 2021
Est. Reading Time 2 mins
As parents and educators look for ways to keep children engaged in learning while preparing them for success in the future, one effective approach is to integrate the arts into STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to produce STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) learning.
To understand the value of STEAM, it’s helpful to take a closer look at each of its components, beginning with science.
The Role of Science in STEAM
Science education typically involves three main fields: physics, biology and chemistry. Topics like energy, matter, force and space fall under physics, while biology focuses on the study of living organisms and chemistry introduces students to the study of chemicals and elements.
Exploring the many fascinating topics involved in science, from astronomy to zoology, fosters children’s curiosity about the world around them. It also teaches them to apply the scientific method to find answers and solutions. This involves identifying a question or problem, making observations, developing and testing a hypothesis, and evaluating the results.
By combining science with technology, engineering, art and math, STEAM education leads children to see how science is connected to other fields and interests, and it can help eliminate the intimidation some children can feel when encountering certain concepts or activities in science.
Hands-On Science at Camp Invention
Each year, the National Inventors Hall of Fame® (NIHF) education team creates a new curriculum for our flagship education program, Camp Invention®, and science is always central to the program.
With this summer’s all-new program, Recharge, campers enjoy opportunities to actively explore science each day. For example, in SolarBot, children learn about cricket anatomy and compare real crickets to their own solar-powered cricket robots. They also create customized habitats for their bots and invent ways to protect them from predators like spiders.
Children also investigate the science of sound in Open Mic, experiment with the fun of physics in Duck Chuck and explore energy and movement in Road Rally. Each opportunity to engage in collaborative, hands-on, science-based activities encourages campers to embrace their natural curiosity, practice persistence and develop critical thinking.
For more information on this summer’s Camp Invention program, parents and educators are encouraged to visit invent.org.
Keep Exploring STEAM
Curious about the other subjects involved in STEM and STEAM learning? Stay tuned to our blog to learn more!